At the centre of the glowing star that is the many, there is the one.
High above it all, on my slow wings of stars spread out awide, I recognise the one, I see the one, and I greet the one.
An amusement ripples through me briefly.
All those millennia I have spent in many incarnations wondering if I would recognise the one if they appeared – my wondering was that of an unknowing child, for here he is, and there is not a doubt, as there could never be.
The song has stilled to silence with his arrival.
All is silent now.
All is reverent, holy.
Time stands still in adoration, in celebration of this wonderful event, this moment of becoming, and here is all the time and space there ever was, there ever could have been, an infinity awaiting our footfalls.
On one level, we are all assembled here.
Rise above it, and there are less, and less.
Go to the furthest point, and the theatre is entirely empty, and there is only the one, standing in the centre, standing tall, alone.
He is the future, and I am the past.
We belong together, for it is in our union that the now arises, that reality becomes and time grows, a slow rose unfolding, our child conceived.
From the stars, I assemble my crown of light.
With exquisite tenderness, I shape myself and lay the cloak of the covenant about my shoulders.
I call to me – all.
And all comes streaming to me, all the levels and layers, all that has been, everything. I am a hundred thousand years, I am a million of my kind, I am the days and nights and all sensations, every thought, each dance, each movement and the tears of joy and sadness too.
I am all of that, a living repository, an hourglass that is receiving all the grains of sand now in the final moments, and I take it all, enfold it to me, have it come home to me, have it fill me and raise to overflowing – I am a fountain, ancient, pure, of light and life, lives then and lives remembered, so many visions, so many colours, so many souls.
And I take it all to him.
I take myself to him.
I take myself to him, the one, and before him, I bow deeply and I spread my arms awide and offer everything to him.
He takes my hand and raises me, bids me to stand, for we are equals.
His eyes are all the days to come, all the stars not yet to be; infinity, so dark and vibrant with potentiality, and hungry, ready to receive what I have brought to him.
Around us, far away, there is a chorus softly singing, far away.
I recognise the voices, know that here, there are the elders; they have waited for this moment, waited here to weave a shroud for us so we may dance, so we may now begin to gently and so sweetly lean towards each other, sense our way towards a movement, to a resolution that will take us through and out, our union and a dance that will change the universe forever.
And here, high up and far away our dance begins; and as we gently weave and go into the spiral movements of enfolding one into the other, our dance traverses down and down, encompassing the levels and the layers, and drawing all and everyone into its wake – we dance the dance of life and so, it is complete.