In Serein

In Serein Book 1 - Sorcerer & Apprentice

1-1-1 Low Born & Never Chosen

Part 1 – Meyon Heights

22,174 Reads

1-1-2 Distortions

14,496 Reads

1-1-3 Too Hard, Too Cold

10,705 Reads

1-1-4 At Extreme Sufferance

10,065 Reads

1-1-5 A Friend In Need

6,877 Reads

1-2-1 Dareon

Part 2 – Tower Keep

11,865 Reads

1-2-2 Starfields

8,834 Reads

1-2-3 The Master

7,614 Reads

1-2-4 Apprentice

7,166 Reads

1-2-5 Studies In Black & Red

6,464 Reads

1-2-6 Journey To The Centre Of The Web

6,508 Reads

1-2-7 Retribution

6,113 Reads

1-2-8 Fire & Stone

6,607 Reads

1-2-9 Meeting The White

5,461 Reads

1-3-1 Comrade In Arms

Part 3 – Of Failures & Virgin

6,546 Reads

1-3-2 Goldenfruit Experiences

5,837 Reads

1-3-3 Lord Of Darkness

6,187 Reads

1-3-4 Through The Storm

5,830 Reads

1-3-5 Around A Cosy Fire

5,731 Reads

1-4-1 I Stand Accused

Part 4 – The Judgement

5,652 Reads

1-4-2 The Finest, Thinnest Strands

5,248 Reads

1-4-3 Prison Sanctuary

5,657 Reads

1-4-4 A Lesson In Magic

5,226 Reads

1-4-5 Vengeance

5,180 Reads

1-4-6 Into The Grey

5,475 Reads

1-4-7 Terminated

4,906 Reads

1-5-1 Going Down

Part 5 – Headman’s Acre

5,084 Reads

1-5-2 Connections

5,183 Reads

1-5-3 Brief Notes In Passing

4,713 Reads

1-5-4 Growing A New Home

4,938 Reads

1-5-5 Chay Catena

5,014 Reads

1-5-6 Conversations With Ty

4,965 Reads

1-6-1 I, Lucian

Part 6: To Know You Is To Love you …

5,070 Reads

1-6-2 Reflections on Monks & The Nature Of Revenge

4,506 Reads

1-6-3 Marani

4,821 Reads

1-6-4 The Ice Inside

4,700 Reads

1-6-5 Cia

4,776 Reads

1-6-6 The Prince

4,634 Reads

1-7-1 Dancing With Chay

Part 7 - Winter's End

4,882 Reads

1-7-2 A Special Farewell Gift

5,305 Reads

1-7-3 Tracking Back

5,012 Reads

1-7-4 Pass On By

4,721 Reads

1-7-5 The Road

5,876 Reads

1-7-6 Sephael’s Tower

4,954 Reads

1-7-7 Of Shadows

4,587 Reads

1-8-1 Lord Sephael Timore

Part 8

Synchronising Sunrises

4,853 Reads

1-8-2 The New Contract

4,607 Reads

1-8-3 Ready For The Next Lesson?

5,170 Reads

1-8-4 Catch The Sun, The Moon …

5,487 Reads

1-9-1 Illusion, Fantasy & Control

Part 9 - Lightning

5,265 Reads

1-9-2 Visit To The Land Of Death

5,491 Reads